Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blogging, A New Beginning

Blogging, a new beginning.

Since things change so quickly, and I don't always have time to update everybody about everything going on, it's time I have a real blog. I'll be posting pictures, stories, updates...anything that seems appropriate. An old friend of mine has had one of these for a few years. After visiting hers recently, I decided it's time I do the same. The blog I had on myspace just was not very good.

Some may be wondering what new may be going on. There is plenty! For starters, I finished my massage therapy classes. I am now certified! Wahoo! All that is left is an externship, which I can do on my own time, rather than when I'm told to be there. The externship will allow me to get "licensed" should I ever take a job in Tulsa or OKC. Since I already work as a massage therapist for a physician, I don't have to hurry up with the externship. I plan on doing about 15-20 hours per week, while working 25-30 hours per week.

In other big news, Shaw asked me to remarry him. So, we are currently looking at rings and planning a second wedding. Since second weddings with the same person are generally not attended, we plan on doing some kind of Vegas style wedding. I will keep everyone updated on when and where.

Sari, our 4 year old daughter, is almost finished with Pre-K! One more month and her first year of school will be finished. It's hard ot believe my little girl is getting so big! She already has taken on the responsibility of caring for 2 hermit crabs and PoTo, our French Bulldog. She wants to help with everything. She also has a "boyfriend" named Jerry. He tells her she is strong because she can pick him up. Her last "boyfriend" says she is not strong when she picks him up. Sari is definately entertaining with her stories and reasons behind things.

That's all for now. I will post pictures soon!

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