Monday, July 21, 2008

New Job/Health Update

These past few weeks have been nice and relaxing....And, sadly, the time for me to start my new job at the hospital came around. Last week I started working during the nights again. Suprisingly it was easier to stay up all night than I thought! My job is okay...but certainly not what I want to do forever. I've decided I'm going to go on and get either my LPN or go back to RN school...depending on which program takes me first.

Last week I had gone to my physician for a diabetic screening since my PCOS is very closely linked to type II diabetes. My AC1 came back at 5.6, which is great. And, my average glucose levels were only 126! Again, great news! So, my physician decided it would be good for me to have a CT scan of my brain. His thinking was that perhaps my PCOS symptoms are really not PCOS, but rather a lesion or abnormal growth on the hypothis of my brain. So, I underwent a CT scan...not sure how it turned out yet. The 7th, I will have an ultrasound of my ovaries to check for cysts, and the 15th of August, I will find out what my CT scan showed. So, luckily I may not have PCOS afterall!I will post updates as I get them. But this could be great since we are trying to get pregnant again. :)

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